When we speak of connection we mean both locally and globally. Thanks to the internet and social media the borders are disappearing. We are no longer limited to our small districts and states. We have the ability to reach other countries and cultures. Connect! Get involved! Enjoy others that are out there.

Shero leadership principles can be applied to all. Learn to trust, in fact be willing to be the first to trust. Dare to give to others and don't wait for a disaster to hit before doing so. Appreciate the differences and share your heritage. When you do all these things ask yourself and where would one find time to hate? The more we learn about other cultures the more enlightened we become and the love and understanding intensifies.

The manipulative tactics of some will disappear when people awake from a sheep state of just following orders to realizing there is a lot of greatness out there. We believe in our core what we can do is amazing yet somewhere along the line we gave up in frustration as we don't own our own beliefs and are bombarded everyday with the beliefs of others. Challenge yourself to shake up your belief system and connect with the world around you and beyond.

Don't just wait for a natural disaster to happen (although all efforts are honorable). You can connect with a stranger in an elevator by simply saying hello and see how that action will create amazing smiles or on another level you can connect with a cause you believe in like UNICEF, GREENPEACE or or or.. the lists are endless.

The shero way is to connect. Connect you must! You are not alone! We are individual and unique yet without us the picture is not complete!