I enjoyed reading this beautifully written reminder of the power of love and giving that heal our own souls. A reminder that Takouhi (main character) lives in all of us and needs to be found.  This is a wonderful real life story about giving to others and getting much more in return.  I would recommend it to everyone who feels lost in this profit driven world hiding behind laptops.  I'm looking forward to Rebecca's second book.

Sanja Ivica - Insurance Broker, Vancouver

I have just finished reading your book. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for your unflinching honesty. It's very brave. I love that level of courage. I have been fortunate in my life to be inspired by people whom I admire for their authentic approach to life. Some of them are as you are; met through books. I am happy to know you and really appreciate what you have shared so openly. It takes a very caring spirit to commit to a path of leadership such as the one you have chosen.  I believe as you do, that discovering and challenging our belief systems is a wonderfully accessible way to find our own truth.

- Jacqui Mayo, Vancouver BC

From Sheep to Shero" is one of the greatest books I have read in a long time. Coming from an eastern background, I can relate to a lot of things which have been mentioned by her in the book. It is amazing how many of our belief systems are actually BS. I recommend this book to everybody.

- Alireza Fadaie, Eng, PFP Investors Group, Vancouver, BC

Wonderful read. Each chapter-ending had a way of capturing my interest, I had to know what happened next. Takouhi was a very generous person, this book really puts into perspective how there are wonderful people out there who are only out to do good. It was very refreshing amidst all the crazy in LA. It's just inspiring to know that someone would make that kind of effort, to drive all the way from Canada to LA just to be with someone during hard times when the family was lost in the all-too-famous question of "why?". The ending was heart-wrenching and there were times when I'd sit there and ponder as the minutes ticked by what it must have been like to be in Arka's shoes, no words can describe the feeling. I want to mention my favorite parts but I don't want to post any spoilers. Great book, you won't regret reading this one.

- Suren Yegiazaryan - Los Angeles, CA

From Sheep to SHERO is an amazing journey where you will experience some of the harsh realities of life, but at the same time it will also touch your inner soul to realize what we are really here for.  SHERO will definitely strengthen your Belief Systems.

- Andre Van Vuuren - Vanandre Furniture Vancouver

Rebecca, you've hit on the mark an underlying principle of BOSS, and of life. You have a gift for seeing through the foggy struggles of us mere mortals; and guiding us into the sunshine. Thanks -

Patricia Lambert, Boss Self-employment Entrepreneurship Program,

Capilano University, North Vancouver CANADA

Rebecca, my friend, Congratulations for this book! I was immersed in it.  I could feel the moments, the immensity of thoughts/dreams it revokes..OMG!  I was really amazed about the friendship between Arka and Takouhi.  It’s very touching and wonderful to see the attraction and synergy between them. It is a deep story about friendship, real love, and self-realization. Makes you think about values, principles... I recommend this read to anyone looking to experience a beautiful, authentic and true story. Find yourself in it! !!Brazil is waiting for SHERO!!

Ana Paula Frota Nacacio - Brazil

Amazing book, amazing story, sooo much wisdom...
I want to point out few passages that stood out for me as I read the book:
p104: ".. you shouldn't measure yourself by what others think" ( have this in my head, but sometimes it slips off my mind..)
p137: talking about relationships, coming up with 5 characteristics.. as I am seeing this "tip" again, I think I will go with this and see what happens - did it work for you? I think I need to know that I want a relationship, at this moment I am not sure...
p.199: "there is no growth in the comfort zone" - sooooo true!!!
p.288: "nothing in life done by force lasted, positive change took time and leadership was not just talk yet by example"
- just great - nothing to add!
I love you for how you can spot the right words on your thoughts and formulate them nicely!
you are awesome xxx

Monika Tutterova, Czech Republic

Rebecca is an inspiration! Her journey of self discovery, which led to the SHERO leadership principles will not only move you, but point all those who are ready to learn on their own journey back to the core of what's really important. 
Shirley Lai, mba,mj Business Enhancer, gliss-asia sales and marketing advisory

I was up until 4am finishing the book! YES in one day! It's an amazing book! I laughed, thought, got angry, and shed a tear or two. I could relate to some of the stuff because of events that took place in my life and honestly, it was a great read! it does make you think about how things do happen in life for a reason!!! ...and people out there... you MUST read this book!!!!

Arsineh Amirians, Vancouver

The story told in shero is profoundly moving, beautiful, and inspiring at the same time; reading it will inevitably cause you to re-examine your beliefs and expand your compassion for others. This is the strength of Rebecca Moradoghli's work: expanding horizons and showing the reader that we all have the potential to create a life that is as beautiful as a work of art.
Gerda Wever, PhD

It is charming, witty, sentimental, sensible, graceful, delicate yet powerful with flavors of Armenian culture and social spices. From Sheep to SHERO is a "superb" read and a genre in its own.

Frieda Martirosian, Los Angeles

Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with the world. This kind of kindness and humanities do not exist anymore and are vanishing due to the lifestyle that has been imposed to us by societies. It is very important for the new generations to know that such love exists, so please keep writing and use your gift to the fullest. You are a brave, curious, fun and positive writer and I am humbled and honoured to have the privilege to know you. I value and admire your unconditional loveYou truly walked your thoughts and wisdom.

Arasteh Saii, Vancouver

I was touched by the vulnerability of the characters and how easily I could relate it to events in my life. I am Shero! I can't wait for the second SHERO book.
Armineh P, Los Angeles

You indeed wrote a remarkable book about the human condition, so elegantly written, so understanding, so useful for every single person,   I like to tell you, our dear Rebecca that with this book you are able to open our mind, to the permanent things, values, relationships, communication, and responsibility, which I love the most. The more you read the more you want to read and at the same time learn.  We are so proud of you Rebecca jan, not because you are an Armenian, not because I have known you for so many years, but the truth of the matter is that, it is you that brings a pride to all of us and your ability to write.

Rosie Tokatlian, Vancouver

The analogies the author gives make incredible sense to me! I can see where I have been spinning my wheels even though I meant to move forward.
Edmond P, Vancouver

Thank you, Rebecca!  You are a talented woman and an amazing writer.  Thank you for sharing the principles, the story, your thoughts, and your wisdom.  Thank you for taking us along on the journey and lending us the prism of your sight.  Please continue to write, and not only in the genres already represented in the book, but in others that are dear and near to many whom you'd like to reach.  Your poetry, both in prose and verse, is superbly intelligent and heartfelt.  Please accept my congratulations, from the friend of your friend; or, simply, from a friend.

Vartan Akchyan, Los Angeles

At first I thought she was on the attack against Armenians or other Tribes but now I see that she was going after a bigger picture. SHERO unites us all. I'm pretty impressed and proud!
Lala S, San Francisco

I just finished reading Chapter 8. Takouhi's letter to Arka on page 105 it is so beautifully written that I couldn't stop myself from reading it over and over and over again. The book has brought me to tears several times already... it's such an intense feeling. So indescribable! It leaves me speechless, and that doesn't happen very often. :)

Tina Torosyan, Los Angeles

Getting into SHERO state with a snap of my fingers! That's one of the things I took away from reading this book. I've already used it a few times when I got stressed at work. It makes sense!
Nick K, Vancouver

It's true I witnessed the author wearing military pants and white shirt for 2 weeks in Armenia as in the story. Little did I know all the writing she was doing would lead to such an amazing end product. Wunderschon Shero ist sehr gut!
Andre K,. Germany

My favorite is the O in Shero for Opportunity. There is opportunity in everything good and bad. Of course all five principles are valuable together. It's definitely a unique and positive way of looking at the world.
Allen A, Armenia

I was truly inspired and look at my life with a different vision, perhaps sherovision? I look forward to going to Armenia one day.
Emil S, Vancouver